On the 17th of December 2021, the European Young Bar Association (EYBA) signed a cooperation agreement with the Academy of European Law (ERA).
The Academy of European Law, created in 1992 in Trier, aims at enabling individuals and authorities involved in the application and implementation of European law in Member States and in other European States to gain a wider knowledge of European law, in particular European Union law and its application and to make possible a mutual and comprehensive exchange of experiences.
The Academy pursue this objective by organising courses, conferences, seminars and specialist symposia. The ERA works closely with the EU institutions and other international partners and runs a scholarship programme since 2001 for legal practitioners who want to participate at ERA events but find it financially difficult to do so.
  • the growing importance of European law for the practice of legal practitioners;
  • the absolute necessity for young lawyers to acquire knowledge of European law and to keep abreast of developments in this area;
  • the interest of EYBA in the professional development of its members;
  • the mission, experience and responsibility of ERA in providing continuous professional training in European law for the legal and judicial professions in Europe;
EYBA and ERA have concluded an agreement to promote closer cooperation between them and to facilitate the participation of members of EYBA in ERA training events.
Members of EYBA are granted, through a dedicated voucher code, a regular 25% discount on the participation fee for ERA events and e-learning products (e-presentations, e-courses amongst others) in which the regular ERA discount scheme applies.
If you want more information about the voucher code and/or if you want to receive a report of selected events of first quarter of 2022, please send an e-mail to info@eyba.org.
A full overview of ERA events can be found on their web site www.era.int.
To have more details about the ERA projects and activities you can download the annual report 2020: