Once Upon a Time … EYBA in Roma

Such an intense experience, this Roman EYBA Conference.
I have left this great Italian city with the head and the heart full of amazing Roman adventures !
From the “Corte di Cassazione” to the Sunday lunch on a boat docked in the Tiber, …
From the panel of speakers in Luiss with the most appropriate topics such as Italian excellence, to the rich gardens of the Profumo nightclub …
From the rooftop terrace of “Les étoiles” offering a unique view of the spectacular “Basilica di San Pietro” , to the nerve-wrecking treasure hunt throughout the typical streets and squares of Roma …
Each detail of that conference was extraordinary.

Because numbers speak for themselves: 2 day conference with 7 mains topics and 20 speakers, 140 attendees, 17 sponsors and partners, 10.000 post views related to the Summer Conference on LinkedIn and more than 20.000 people reached on Facebook.

This Summer Conference left us with the most unforgettable memories. …
I have heard at the height of the conference , and I will share it here : ” Roma was one of the most successful EYBA Conferences ! “

I would like to say a massive thank you to Giulia and the whole committee, as well as the Council of the Rome Bar Association and the Rome Young Bar Association for the excellence of the organisation and strong support.

I see the EYBA as a huge family, growing with new members and extending the network of support for the values dear to us.
This time we reunited delegates from 25 different countries across Europe and USA. A meaningful number as we just celebrated the 25th anniversary of the EYBA.
It was so nice to meet all of you once again and to see new faces.

The networking, all the smiles and some beautiful friendships ensuing from the moments together are the soul of the EYBA, which is its most valuable treasure.

I am honored to have been elected as President of EYBA, to help in my turn keeping the organisation connected and active.

I cannot wait to meet all of you again in London for the next International Weekend from 26-29 September 2019.

Long life to EYBA !
President of EYBA

When in Rome…

As Chair of the Organising Committee, I am happy and sad at the same time that this Summer Conference has come to an end. The Organising Committee, whose members for me are first of all friends, worked so hard for many months to organize it, aiming to create a welcoming atmosphere and a genuine Italian experience, I would say from the streets to the best roof tops of Rome, from the bottom to the top of this wonderful – sometimes difficult – city, like a rollercoaster.

When I proposed Rome as hosting city a year ago, I had only recently joined the EYBA Board. The Summer Conference in Amsterdam was my very first EYBA event and I felt I wanted to live my mandate intensively. Looking back now, there is no doubt I did. I believe that it is better to build the fire, rather than just warming yourself by the fire. With the Organising Committee, we tried to build that fire in Rome. The heatwave helped.

This Summer Conference has stolen my sleep sometimes but it was worth it because I met so many amazing people during these months which I would like to thank: Ercole De Vito, founder of NetLeg, who helped us with the outstanding Conference at Luiss University (together with Domenico Pauciulo), with the Gala Dinner at Les Etoiles restaurant and with the late celebration at Profumo Spazio Sensoriale; Mattia Morani and Valerio Cellentani, associates at Curtis Law firm, who convinced the senior partners to host the Friday Aperidinner on their breathtaking terrace; Romina Lanza, President of the Italian Association of Young Lawyers, Rome Section, who supported the Organising Committee since the very beginning.

I would like to the thank, on behalf of the Organising Committee, the Rome Bar Association and all the members of the Council. Without their support this Summer Conference would not have been possible.

A huge thank goes to the Spalletti Trivelli’s family for giving us the chance to host the welcome reception on their private roof top, tasting the wines they produce, for a perfect start of this Summer Conference.

I also sincerely thank all the speakers and the other partners and sponsors of the event, especially the ones who decided to support it although they had never heard about the EYBA, trusting our predictions about the success of this Summer Conference, trusting our words about the EYBA network, when we explained how important and prolific is the exchange of ideas, problems, solutions, for our category – especially for the new generations – but also in the interest of the ones we represent each day, due to the vital role that lawyers play in preserving, promoting and protecting the Rule of Law.

History teaches us that lawyers can be the catalysts for progressive reforms, can be the trigger for a change. And this is even more true if we keep our curiosity about what is new, what is different, what is unexplored. I firmly believe that each EYBA conference stimulates this way of thinking, bringing together so many brilliant lawyers from all across Europe.

Last but not least, I owe a lot to the members of the EYBA Board for never having doubted the success of this Summer Conference.

We hope that you managed to switch off your minds for a while, listening to excellent speakers, staring at the beauties of Rome during the day, walking through the city centre at night, tasting Italian food and wine, having fun all together.

We hope that this Summer Conference has left you with the most unforgettable memories. One thing is for sure: we will never forget your smiles and light-hearted laughs during these 3 days.

Chair of the Organising Committee
Secretary of the EYBA