About us

In 2018, the EYBA was granted a participatory status at the Conference of International Non-governmental

Organisations (INGOs) of the Council of Europe.

The European Young Bar Association is a European non-profit association of young lawyers. Founded over 29 years ago, concretely, on 23 May 1993 in Prague, it brings together young bar associations from across Europe in one representative organisation, providing a unified voice for young lawyers on a continent-wide basis.

Young lawyers currently represented

The EYBA currently represents more than 200,000 young lawyers protecting their interests and organising courses, congresses, events, meetings and networking sessions with the aim to keep updated their members and increase their contacts with colleagues from around Europe. The EYBA is founded on key fundamental principles such as democracy, human rights, access to justice and the rule of law.

EYBA members reflect the diversity of modern European legal practice

EYBA members comprise individuals and young bar associations. They reflect the diversity of modern European legal practice, including young lawyers in a variety of full-service global, regional and national law firms, members of leading independent law firms, and public sector lawyers working for their governments.

Our members

Organisation Members

Associate Members